对话vEmpire DDAO:创新的元宇宙+DeFi

2021年9月15日16:00,BKEX联合 vEmpire DDAO 项目团队一起在 BKEX 社群创办了主题为《对话vEmpire DDAO:创新的元宇宙+DeFi》的AMA。以下为文字实录。



本场AMA的主题是《对话vEmpire DDAO:创新的元宇宙+DeFi》。


Hello, everyone, welcome to today’s AMA, I am Sarah, BKEX Marketing Partner and today’s host.

The theme of this AMA is “Dialogue with vEmpire DDAO: Innovative Metaverse & DeFi”.

We will be broadcasting this AMA in several communities.



BKEX is a global digital asset financial service platform, focusing on the mining and absorption of high-quality assets, an innovative international station of digital assets for global users, providing trading and investment services among various digital assets.

The AMA held by BKEX aims to introduce users to the best quality projects, the most cutting-edge news and the hottest markets. It directly talks to the projects themselves and gives the most accurate first-hand news to the users so that they can get the market dividends in time.

今天,我们邀请到了 vEmpire DDAO 的CEO——Dominic Ryder,为大家揭秘 vEmpire DDAO 创新的元宇宙+DeFi 玩法。

Today, we invited Dominic Ryder, CEO of vEmpire DDAO, to reveal the playing ways of vEmpire DDAO, innovative Metaverse and DeFi.


1.请您为我们介绍一下 vEmpire DDAO 这个项目。

1. Please introduce vEmpire DDAO project to us.

So I’m Dominic Ryder, CEO and founder of vEmpire, I started my career as a stockbroker, moving into wealth management and then venture capital. In regards to vEmpire the reasoning behind the protocol was as a reaction to all the greed and corruption over the I witnessed in my time in finance. I wanted vEmpire to stand up for the average investor and to fight against out of control capitalism

vEmpire is fighting centralisation.

Starting with the Metaverse companies we will be facilitating DeFi esque staking strategies of Metaverse tokens. We’ll use these to invade and conquer these protocols by incentivising staking with rewards in both VEMP & also in the native token staked so AXS, MANA, SAND & STARL etc

我是Dominic Ryder,CEO and 创始人of vEmpire。我的职业生涯是从股票经纪人开始的,后来进入了财富管理和风险投资领域。vEmpire协议源自我对我在金融业期间目睹的所有贪婪和腐败的反应。我想让vEmpire为普通投资者站出来,与失控的资本主义作斗争。


从元宇宙公司开始,我们将促进元宇宙代币的独特的DeFi质押策略。我们将使用这些来入侵和征服这些协议,通过在VEMP和原生代币(例如AXS、MANA、SAND 和STARL 等)这些奖励来激励质押。

2. 在 VEMP 的介绍里有这样一句话:“Empire 的目标是强调所谓去中心化项目的中心化”,能否给大家详细解读一下这句话?

2. In the introduction of VEMP, there is a sentence: “The Empire’s goal is to highlight centralisation in supposedly decentralised projects”. Can you explain this sentence in detail?

Yes so as mentioned vEmpire DDAO is here to combat the user exploitation and commoditisation we are seeing from greedy out of control capitalism. Capitalism is the corporations making money, we want our players gamers and users to be the ones making money as they are the ones who keep the Metaverse going

The reason why Decentraland & the Metaverse stuck out as the first conquest was due to a few factors. Number 1, the appointment of Decentralands “security council” they were brought in to apparently make sure that there were no problems with bots, but they now control every single proposal put into the DAO, they decide what gets voted on by the community, not the community itself.

Another reason was their partnership with Decentral Games who run Vegas City, to vote or even get rewards in this DAO, you need to own 0.5% of their circulating supply, this is over $700,000……

Not what I would call a fair system! We do however want to make sure we are aligning ourselves with Metaverses we do like, for example AXS and Axie infinity. This is why we have invasions (MANA & SAND) as well as allies like Axie infinity. It does help that me and Jeff (Jiho) are in regular contact and he is a big fan of us!